3/13 Madha Koil street, Kammalam Poondi Po, Uthiramerur Tk, Kancheepuram - 603046,Tamil Nadu. Official Web:www.ahmngo.org,Latest News blog:www.ahmngo.blogspot.in, www.ahmngo.wordpress.com. Social Issue Blog:www.tamilnadupress.blogspot.in,Siddha blog:www.agatteyar.blogspot.in Ph:04427236074, Mobile: 9443596715
Monday, October 19, 2015
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Mrs.Syathali fathima is a thirty two
years old widow from socially and economically backward Muslim community. She
has finished her 3rd standard in education. She has one elder son
who is studying 11th standard and one younger daughter. Fathima’s ex
husband is living with another woman to the next street of her house. So
Sayathali Fathima wants to educate her children, want to stand on her own leg
with economically empowered. These pathetic situations changed her life to
start a pappad Business. Her mother Meera is the role model to her business
pappad making. Syathalifathima is working in the field nearly about 24 years
(at the age of eight). Now she is giving job opportunity to other seven women
in her area. Their monthly income is nearly six thousands Indian rupees. We need more supporters,
Donor, CSR Partner and VC to continue and replicate this project. For more detail 9443596715 or
Name of the
entrepreneur : H.Sayathali fathima
Name of the
unit : H.Sayathalifathima Pappad Unit
Nature of
Business :
Pappad Manufacturing
Age : 32 yrs
Number of
employees : 9(including self)
Date of Loan
Applied : 26.11.2013
Date of loan
disbursement and Amount : 02.12.2013, INR 75000
Half yearly
turn over : 369142
Future vision
in the three year : To give employment opportunity to
another 10
and Monthly turnover will INR 100000.
registered under : TIN, PAN, MSME (SSI), Insurance and
Total Salary
to the owner in 7 month : 54894
Total profit
earned in 7 month : 103636
No of Local
Job before the project : 5 nos
No of Local
Job after the project :
9 Nos
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